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Content Type: On-Demand Webinars

On-Demand Webinars

Proctoring Ideas and Strategies (EAC 2021)

This Pecha Kucha session was composed of two sub-sessions regarding proctoring: The Remote Examination Experience of Student Pharmacists During the COVID-19 Pandemic The purpose of this study was to evaluate the remot...

On-Demand Webinars

Preferred Provider Session: ScholarRX and ExamSoft (EAC 2021)

Matt Harris, Vice President of Academic Solutions at ScholarRX, and Jerick Togami, Associate Director of New Products and Partnerships at ExamSoft, discuss how ExamSoft and ScholarRX have partnered together to bring c...

On-Demand Webinars

Preferred Provider Session: Apple and ExamSoft (EAC 2021)

Dr. Tara Serwetnyk and Dr. Joseph Gomulak-Cavicchio discuss how to best utilize ExamSoft and Examplify applications to their fullest utilizing the advanced and user-friendly Apple Products.

On-Demand Webinars

Partner Session: NurseThink: Clinical Judgement and Next Generation NCLEX (EAC 2021)

Dr. Stephanie Terry of NurseThink and Amy Austin speak on taking “Clinical Judgment” and dissecting what it truly means to nurse educators. They dive into how the change in NCLEX will create better nurses ...

On-Demand Webinars

Panel Discussion: Assessment, Higher Education, and Digital Futures (EAC 2021)

Chris Caren, Chief Executive Officer at Turnitin, shared TII’s plans and led into the keynote panel of Dr. Natasha Jankoski, Dr. Charles Lu, and Dr. Peter Felton. The keynote panel discussion titled: Assessment,...

On-Demand Webinars

Nursing Accreditation Goes Virtual: How to Survive and Thrive (EAC 2021)

hj Virtual Accreditation…each of these words individually has the power to invoke very emotional responses within the world of nursing education but together they can send even the most experienced faculty into ...

On-Demand Webinars

Modified Angoff Standard Setting as a Means to Evaluate Competence, Provide Feedback, and Inform Remediation (EAC 2021)

Wingate University School of Pharmacy uses summative annual skills mastery assessments (ASMA) to evaluate longitudinal mastery, retention, and practice readiness. ASMA cut scores are determined by the modified Angoff ...

On-Demand Webinars

Leveraging Assessments to Enhance Retention and Prepare for Integrated Board Examinations (EAC 2021)

This presentation will detail how Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM) leverages ExamSoft to promote the integration of basic, behavioral, and clinical science. The presentation will review the relevant accreditat...

On-Demand Webinars

Let Us Collaborate to Publish and Present (EAC 2021)

Dr. Divya Bheda, Director of Education and Assessment at ExamSoft, presents on forming connections and working with colleagues to present at conferences (national and international), publish in journals, or work on bo...

On-Demand Webinars

Assessment Trends in 2021 with Dr. Gianina Baker (EAC 2021)

On the second day of EAC 2021, Dr. Gianina Baker, the acting director at the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), delivered her keynote. She invited attendees to reflect on lessons learned this...

On-Demand Webinars

Increasing the Effectiveness of Early Intervention using Exam Data (EAC 2021)

Early intervention is a crucial component of assisting students with their transition to professional programs. Often, students struggle with the increased demands of healthcare programs and benefit from data driven g...

On-Demand Webinars

Improving Assessments Through Versatile Categorization, Using Learning Outcomes as a Guide to Student Engagement (EAC 2021)

This session will help you formulate a user-friendly database, breaking down questions into manageable sections to facilitate fluent communication between students and the course director, allowing them to pinpoint th...

On-Demand Webinars

How I Became a Better Teacher During the Time of COVID -19 (EAC 2021)

Over 500 year-two medical students attended problem-based learning session designed using clinical reasoning. This session compares exam questions performance on lecture session versus problem-based learning. Learning...

On-Demand Webinars

From Curriculum Tasks to Accreditation Applications: An Example of a Streamlined Integration of ExamSoft Legacy Platform (EAC 2021)

Accreditation agencies require clear evidence of students’ successful progress through the curriculum for a program to achieve successful accreditation. To address this requirement, a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) progr...

On-Demand Webinars

Friday Debrief (EAC 2021)

Dr. Divya Bheda, Director of Education and Assessment, and Caleb Winn, Senior Director of Product Management conduct a debrief on the final day of EAC 2021 and answered questions from attendees.

On-Demand Webinars

ExamSoft Longitudinal Reports to Support Academic Advising, Curricular Improvement and Accreditation (EAC 2021)

ExamSoft longitudinal reports can be a very useful tool in conjunction with category tagging. These reports can help support course and curriculum improvements, bringing consistency between courses and faculty while s...

On-Demand Webinars

ExamSoft Assessment Solutions + You (EAS+Y) (EAC 2021)

In this session, Dr. Divya Bheda, Director of Education and Assessment, conducts a Q&A-style presentation to explain ExamSoft’s EAS+Y portfolio consulting services that help support clients and their needs.

On-Demand Webinars

Eleven Departments – Three Campuses – One ExamSoft (EAC 2021)

During this 45-minute presentation, learners will gain insight into how an institution with three campuses, eleven departments, 784 employees, and 3,136 students maneuver through onboarding to the ExamSoft Enterprise ...