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Topic: Reporting & Analytics

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6 New Question Types You Will Find on the Next Gen NCLEX® Exam

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing set the national standard for nursing licensure with the NCLEX® exam. They update it periodically — sometimes with significant changes to reflect major shifts in p...

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Educating with Intention: An Outcomes-Based Approach to Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Learn how category tagging from ExamSoft can help you educate with intention by connecting exam items to customizable categories, such as learning outcomes and course objectives. With category tagging in place, you’ll...

guidebook feature intentionaleducation nursing

Guidebook: Using Category Tagging for Nursing Education

How Data-Driven Assessment Supports Intentionality in Education Whether planning a course or developing a curriculum for nursing programs, educators have specific goals in mind for student learning. While it can be ch...

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ExamSoft Supports Intentional and Informed Decision-Making

The goal of any school or program is to prioritize student performance above all else. This is particularly true for programs in healthcare fields, which are tasked with preparing students to make important, sometimes...

objectives centered assessment

Benefits of Objectives-Centered Assessment for Growing Programs

There is perhaps no more harrowing task than building a whole new program from the ground up. There are a number of critical milestones — such as student retention, curriculum coverage, and, crucially for the survival...

infographics feature benchmarkingreports 2022

Infographic: Benchmarking Reports with ExamSoft and Clinical Judgment Exams

Take advantage of pre-written assessments that accurately gauge student learning and competency. Category-based reporting at the program level and student level will measure students’ true mastery of concepts against ...

digitaltrans midsemester checkin

How a Mid-Semester Check-In Can Support Teachers and Learners

What is a Mid-Semester Check-In? Many instructors take the opportunity in the middle of the semester to evaluate their students’ understanding and needs. There are several approaches to a mid-semester check-in, includ...

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Guidebook: Using Category Tagging to Educate with Intention

How Data-Driven Assessment Supports Intentionality in Education Whether planning a course or developing a curriculum, educators have specific goals in mind for student learning. While it can be challenging to track pr...

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Case Study

Arab Board of Health Specializations

Faced with the limitations of paper-based assessment, the Arab Board of Health Specializations (ABHS) began searching for a more sustainable exam solution. The ABHS selected ExamSoft’s digital assessment platform in e...

Developing Power Skills in Higher Ed with EdTech

What are Power Skills & How Can We Assess Them in Higher Education?

Modern workplace dynamics are shifting. Employee demands are changing as individuals are expected to collaborate effectively, even in remote situations, while demonstrating skills and values such as empathy, flexibili...

Equity in Education with Outcomes-Based Assessment

Promoting Equity with Outcomes-Based Assessment

When we talk about equity in assessment, it’s important to understand what the term equity means. Some educators use equity and equality interchangeably, but there are vast differences between the two terms. Equ...

How to Find the Best Assessment Platform for Your Needs

3 Things You Need in Your Assessment Software

There are many assessment solutions out there, but before selecting one, it’s important to ask a few crucial questions: Does the solution offer the features and tools that you need, both at the course level and as an ...

Sullivan University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences case study
Case Study

Sullivan University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

In 2014, the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at Sullivan University decided to optimize testing in its PharmD program. After making the switch from paper-based exams to digital assessment with ExamSoft, the ...

AHMED MIZAN in Iraq adopts ExamSoft for digital assessment

Authority of Health and Medical Education (MIZAN) to Deliver Digital Assessments with ExamSoft

Iraqi medical education group becomes first in the country to adopt ExamSoft Dallas, TX – March 17, 2022 – ExamSoft is pleased to announce that The Authority of Health and Medical Education (MIZAN) has become ExamSoft...

Using Digital Assessment to Support Academic Research and Publishing

Using Digital Assessment to Support Academic Research & Publishing

For faculty at many academic institutions, research and publication in peer-reviewed journals is a precursor to employment, a necessary step for promotion, and a requirement to secure and maintain tenure. But the impo...

University of the Pacific — Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
Case Study

University of the Pacific — Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

After two phases of curricular reform, the Dugoni School of Dentistry required a solution to align assessment content with professional competencies and reveal opportunities for improvement. The school paired ExamSoft...

University of Toledo College of Nursing ExamSoft Case Study
Case Study

University of Toledo College of Nursing Case Study

The University of Toledo College of Nursing required a solution to prepare students for the Next Generation NCLEX® and generate the data insights that their LMS-based testing tool lacked. With Clinical Judgment Exams ...

On-Demand Webinars

EEC: Using ExamSoft Data to Evaluate Those Pesky “Select All That Apply” Questions

Literature supports the inclusion of multiple-response type questions to assess critical thinking and higher-level cognitive processing in nursing programs. Multiple-response type questions are often developed with fi...