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Program Type: Nursing


Learning Analytics: What Is It and How Can It Improve Learning Outcomes?

Analytics, the science of gathering, organizing, and analyzing raw data in order to draw statistically valid conclusions and make reliable forecasts, has long been a driving force in business. Data analytics has a wid...

NurseThink Webinar
On-Demand Webinars

On-demand Webinar: Next Generation Testing with Clinical Judgment Exams

NurseThink® testing powered by ExamSoft can help you provide secure, nationally benchmarked exams to your students. Dr. Tim Bristol shares insights on high-quality assessments for nursing programs, including key highl...

Case Study

Rutgers University–Camden — School of Nursing

In 2013, The School of Nursing at Rutgers University–Camden merged with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Stratford. Each nursing program had differing approaches to assessment. As the newly co...


Clinical Judgment: An Imperative for Nursing Education

By Tim Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN At no time in the history of nursing education has the imperative been more clear: We must focus on Clinical Judgment (CJ) with every student every semester. Right now, we know...


A Look at Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Digital transformation is everywhere, and this shift — both technological and cultural — has only accelerated since the COVID-19 pandemic made social distancing necessary. While digital transformation (DX) is taking h...

Case Study

University of California, Davis – Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing

Founded in 2009, the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing adopted ExamSoft as the assessment platform that could keep pace with its growing programs and aid in its mission to educate healthcare professionals. When the ...


A Look at Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)

Healthcare continues to evolve at a rapid pace for a number of reasons: Americans are living longer with multiple chronic illnesses, the healthcare industry has seen technological advances, and healthcare professional...

Nursing students in classroom

From Professional to Professor: What Nurses Need to Know

To be a nurse is to be a teacher. While mentoring the next generation of nurses may be a part of the job on a daily basis in a clinical setting, many nurses want to take their role as an educator to the next level — t...


The Art of the Assessment Question

When it comes to creating an effective assessment, the greatest challenge lies not so much in the questions themselves but in the form they take. An assessment composed of well-crafted questions has the power to deter...


Exam Security

Actionable Student Assessment Data Starts with Exam Security Without safeguards against cheating and dishonesty, how can educators be confident that the data they’re collecting hasn’t been compromised? In the Ex...


Why Locked Down Browsers Fail the Security Test

Securing your in-class and remote exams to minimize cheating is essential for collecting student assessment data that is reliable, accurate, and insightful.  Learn the loopholes of browser-based testing and various ta...

ebook six essentials of data

6 Essentials of Assessment Data

Gain Deeper Insight into Student Learning Read the ExamSoft eBook, Six Essentials of Assessment Data, for insights into how student assessment and learning analytics can help educators and administrators enhance the e...

Case Study

Arizona College

Founded in 1991, Arizona College currently has eight campuses in four states – Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and Florida and aggressive plans for growth. By 2025, the school plans to have at least 20 campuses dedicated to p...

Case Study

Baker University School of Nursing

With the arrival of a new dean who had used ExamSoft at a previous school and knew how valuable it could be, Baker University School of Nursing adopted ExamSoft. The school had high licensure exam pass rates so some q...

Case Study

Northwestern Oklahoma State School of Nursing

Northwestern Oklahoma State School of Nursing adopted ExamSoft in a particularly challenging time. The school’s licensure exam passing rates were at an all-time low, with an accreditation visit looming. Faculty got up...

Nursing Assessment Panel Webinar
On-Demand Webinars

Webinar: ExamSoft Nursing Assessment Expert Panel

Three expert panelists in nursing assessment answer questions and provide their best practices for getting the most out of the ExamSoft assessment platform. In this webinar you will learn how: Nursing programs can tag...


Why You Should Use Categories for Curriculum Guidance

If you’re using ExamSoft, then you’re probably already using categories in your exam creation and grading to provide students with more informative feedback. Category tagging proves a powerful tool for directing your ...

Blog, Video

How Not to Use Assessments: Common Mishaps Implementing Formative Assessments and How to Correct Them

Instruct. Assess. Feedback. Repeat. This is the timeless methodology of formative assessment applied, in some way, in all levels of education. The application of this process is continuously subject to change based on...