Three expert panelists in nursing assessment answer questions and provide their best practices for getting the most out of the ExamSoft assessment platform.
In this webinar you will learn how:
- Nursing programs can tag exam items to the Nursing Process, Accreditation Standards, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Program and/or Course Learning Objectives, and the NCLEX blueprint.
- Students get feedback through ExamSoft Strengths and Opportunities Reports.
- ExamSoft allows the creation of alternate type questions, essential for getting students ready for board exams.
Teresa Darnall, Assistant Dean at Lees-McRae College May School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Ainslie Nibert, Associate Dean and Associate Professor at Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing
Tommie Norris, Associate Dean Evaluation & Effectiveness at the University of TN Health Science Center College of Nursing