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Program Type: K12

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Educating with Intention: An Outcomes-Based Approach to Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Learn how category tagging from ExamSoft can help you educate with intention by connecting exam items to customizable categories, such as learning outcomes and course objectives. With category tagging in place, you’ll...

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Guidebook: Using Category Tagging to Educate with Intention

How Data-Driven Assessment Supports Intentionality in Education Whether planning a course or developing a curriculum, educators have specific goals in mind for student learning. While it can be challenging to track pr...

Developing Power Skills in Higher Ed with EdTech

What are Power Skills & How Can We Assess Them in Higher Education?

Modern workplace dynamics are shifting. Employee demands are changing as individuals are expected to collaborate effectively, even in remote situations, while demonstrating skills and values such as empathy, flexibili...

Equity in Education with Outcomes-Based Assessment

Promoting Equity with Outcomes-Based Assessment

When we talk about equity in assessment, it’s important to understand what the term equity means. Some educators use equity and equality interchangeably, but there are vast differences between the two terms. Equ...

How to Find the Best Assessment Platform for Your Needs

3 Things You Need in Your Assessment Software

There are many assessment solutions out there, but before selecting one, it’s important to ask a few crucial questions: Does the solution offer the features and tools that you need, both at the course level and as an ...

ebooks feature challengesfacingcovid 2022

3 Pandemic-Related Challenges Facing Admissions Testing Around the World

The COVID-19 pandemic created many challenges in education and brought many others to light. One of the most notable challenges was the inability of students to take standardized admissions tests due to testing center...


Infographic: Paving the Way to Efficiency

Four Real Examples of How Institutions Gained Efficiencies Through ExamSoft Paperless Assessments Pay Off One client administered 76,000 digital exams in a single semester, saving an estimated $800,000 in printing cos...


Infographic: Psychometrics at a Glance

An Infographic that illustrates how primary psychometrics are used in exam assessment, their definitions, and how they can improve your exams. Using psychometrics and assessment data from ExamSoft, exam-creators can b...

computer based testing

Is Your Exam a Good Candidate for Computer-Based Testing?

Digital transformation has long been on the horizon for testing providers and certification entities, but the global pandemic has hastened planning for the digital future. As evaluators navigate terra incognita in the...

blog: trauma informed assessment and pedagogy

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Success Through Understanding

In the last few years, more people have experienced psychological and physical trauma than ever before. According to the World Health Organization, “there has been a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance ...

On-Demand Webinars

EEC: Using ExamSoft Data to Evaluate Those Pesky “Select All That Apply” Questions

Literature supports the inclusion of multiple-response type questions to assess critical thinking and higher-level cognitive processing in nursing programs. Multiple-response type questions are often developed with fi...


5 Myths (and Real Benefits) of Remote Proctoring Technology

When COVID-19 first emerged, educational institutions all over the world made the rapid shift to remote learning. What educators could not have known then was how this shift would define the future of teaching and lea...

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Flexibility in Assessment

Right now, flexibility is everything. Being flexible and having the ability to adjust and pivot is what’s keeping many institutions successful during challenging times. ExamSoft gives schools, universities, businesses...


How to Write Great Exam Questions

Assessment is a crucial part of education, no matter the subject or level. We usually think of assessments only as tools to measure how much a student has learned, though with the right post-exam data, they can be so ...

3 alternative assessment types and how to use them

3 Alternative Assessment Types and How to Use Them

Various approaches to assessment have emerged as alternatives to traditional, multiple-choice testing. Most alternative assessment practices distinguish themselves from traditional methods by placing an emphasis on de...


A Look at Backward Design and Assessment

The Glossary of Education Reform defines backward design as “a process that educators use to design learning experiences and instructional techniques to achieve specific learning goals.” Coined by Grant Wiggins and Ja...

webinar supportingstudentseffectively
On-Demand Webinars

On-demand Webinar: Supporting Students Effectively and Proactively in Remote Testing Environments

The use of remote learning and assessment accelerated during the pandemic, and now many institutions are planning to adopt online education as part of their strategy. Hear from our panel of former students, higher edu...


Exam Security

Actionable Student Assessment Data Starts with Exam Security Without safeguards against cheating and dishonesty, how can educators be confident that the data they’re collecting hasn’t been compromised? In the Ex...