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Delivering Authentic Assessment with Remote Proctoring Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic marked the meteoric rise of the virtual classroom at all levels of education, with students and faculty navigating new technologies and learning formats. Spring 2020 finals loomed as colleges and...


5 Steps to Start Your Digital Transformation

Digital transformation, the use of technology to make business processes more efficient, improve user experiences, and meet the cultural demands for equity, is no longer something to be done in the future. After the p...


Learning Analytics: What Is It and How Can It Improve Learning Outcomes?

Analytics, the science of gathering, organizing, and analyzing raw data in order to draw statistically valid conclusions and make reliable forecasts, has long been a driving force in business. Data analytics has a wid...


How Scenario-Based Assessment Contributes to Improved Learning Environments

Many organizations believe they can gain immense value from effective, versatile assessments. Whether you’re an instructor trying to improve learning outcomes and prepare your students for a licensure exam or a corpor...


Clinical Judgment: An Imperative for Nursing Education

By Tim Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN At no time in the history of nursing education has the imperative been more clear: We must focus on Clinical Judgment (CJ) with every student every semester. Right now, we know...


Using ExamSoft to Realize the Benefits of Ipsative Assessments

Using normative or standardized graded assessments, instructors can evaluate individual student performance relative to current and past peers. As valuable as the traditional criterion-referenced and norm-referenced a...


Discover the Costs of Not Going Digital

Colleges and universities are reeling from the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with billions in lost revenue, higher-than-anticipated costs for instruction, and an increased need for financial aid following...


A Look at Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Digital transformation is everywhere, and this shift — both technological and cultural — has only accelerated since the COVID-19 pandemic made social distancing necessary. While digital transformation (DX) is taking h...

professor and student looking at ipad

Improve Teaching and Testing Outcomes by Applying the VARK Concept

As an educator, you may sometimes need to lift the academic performance of an entire class. Or you may need to find better ways to support your under-performers. You may want to know if you are providing a fair opport...


6 Key Benefits of ExamSoft for Dental Schools

Schools of dentistry and dental hygiene serve the important role of educating future dental professionals in the biomedical, clinical, and behavioral sciences. These schools equip students with the cognitive skills re...


The Growing Imperative of Assessment Security and Flexibility

With COVID-19 numbers on the rise across campuses, many colleges and universities are being forced to reconsider plans for face-to-face instruction. Some institutions are pivoting from hybrid courses to fully remote c...


10 Ways to Cultivate Student Engagement in Higher Education

Engaged students are those who make a firm commitment to learning. They take pride in making the effort to understand course material and incorporate it into their lives. Educators observe their engagement levels as s...


A Look at Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)

Healthcare continues to evolve at a rapid pace for a number of reasons: Americans are living longer with multiple chronic illnesses, the healthcare industry has seen technological advances, and healthcare professional...

Nursing students in classroom

From Professional to Professor: What Nurses Need to Know

To be a nurse is to be a teacher. While mentoring the next generation of nurses may be a part of the job on a daily basis in a clinical setting, many nurses want to take their role as an educator to the next level — t...


Understanding the Four Types of Education Modalities: On-Campus, Online, Hybrid and HyFlex

In the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic or any possible future disruption, universities must deliberate how to present their academic programs to students. The objective should be to provide the most educationally soun...


The Art of the Assessment Question

When it comes to creating an effective assessment, the greatest challenge lies not so much in the questions themselves but in the form they take. An assessment composed of well-crafted questions has the power to deter...


Why Assessment Still Matters in an Online Education Environment

As many institutions of higher learning (IHEs) quickly transitioned to emergency remote learning in the spring of 2020, the focus was often on completing the semester with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). While faculty...


Transition from Emergency Remote Teaching to Planned Online Education

Thoughtful, planned online educational experiences are markedly different from the emergency remote teaching that institutions faced in the wake of COVID-19. This makeshift experimental period has been largely unsatis...