The Medical College of Wisconsin created an effective remote proctoring process in less than a month after the state shut down in March 2020. The School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy faculty and staff utilized existing tools like Webex and Brightspace, while implementing new resources like ExamID and ExamMonitor, to create a seamless transition on exam day. The original system was designed to be flexible so adjustments could be made without creating confusion. Over the last year, we have been able to create efficiencies in video review and increase exam security without significantly impacting the student testing experience.
After viewing this session, you will be able to:
- Understand how to leverage a learning management system as an operational partner to ExamID and Monitor
- Recognize existing resources that can be utilized instead of physical paper and pencil
- Have access to information that can help the student experience on exam day
- Understand the importance of developing and implementing video review best practices