Often the learning process is thought to occur before exams, but learning can also happen during and after exams when reviews are carefully designed.
This session reviews the ExamSoft options for secure exam reviews, including the advantages and disadvantages of each, while highlighting best practices to ensure exam integrity and facilitate student learning. Speakers will discuss the lessons they’ve learned after trying multiple exam review methods and share tools to enhance exam reviews, including student documentation. This session also explores the process of “exam wrappers,” with ideas for implementation in both remote and in-person settings.
Ashley Castleberry, Pharm.D., M.Ed. Clinical Associate Professor and Division Head, University of Texas College of Pharmacy | |
Kimberly K. Daugherty, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCPS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment, Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | |
Sarah Raake, Pharm.D., M.S. Ed., BCACP, LDE Associate Professor and Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Sullivan College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences |
In 2014, the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at Sullivan University decided to optimize testing in its PharmD program. After making the switch from paper-based exams to digital assessment with ExamSoft, the ...
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